So, here's a recipe that pleases all. Scrambled eggs and veges. You can add pretty much any vegetable you like to this. I use everything. Well, maybe not brussle sprouts because they'd just be wrong! But anything else is fair game when it comes to breakfast. Now, these pictures don't have the full compliment of vegetables in them, but given it's a scrambled mess it doesn't look much different anyway.
3 free range eggs
1/4 cup coconut milk
1/2 cups chopped veges
(broccoli, cauliflower, Mushrooms,
onions, spring onions, spinach leaves
capsicum, asparagus)
1tbsp coconut oil
pinch Celtic Sea salt
tsp curry powder*
1slc free range bacon (optional)
Heat oil in frypan, throw in all veges, bacon and cook for a few minutes. In a separate bowl whisk eggs and coconut milk, add sea salt, curry powder and whisk until blended. Throw egg mix in with vegetablesand stir slowly with an egg flip. Toss lightly until cooked through. Plate up and enjoy! Serves 2 :)
*The store bought curry powder may contain traces of cereal and some varieties include ground rice. I'm not ceoliac so not too fussed but do check the lable before adding it. It's pretty tasty without the curry powder so no harm done if you can't find a fully Paleo curry powder.