
Welcome to Paleo Rustic, aptly named because it is a no frills, blog containing Paleo recipes, a few random thoughts and not much more. I don't claim to be an expert on the benefits of eating Paleo, nor will you find lectures or tutorials on the science of it all. I just know it works for me and after several requests from friends for recipes I decided to put them all in a blog so they can stop by and take what they need when they need it.

The photography is anything but stunning. All pictures are taken on my iphone as I'm cooking. There'll be no pretty flowers to dress things up, nor pristine angelic children in the background to make me look like an authentic Mother. Just a messy kitchen and a few dirt encrusted boys wandering past, wondering where their dinner is and why I'm photographing it.

It's a work in progress folks, so if you stop by in the early days and there's nothing here for you, come back later to see what's been added. Each recipe is either created by me or borrowed from another blog. Rest assured, if I try something from your blog you will get all the credit for it :)

If you're a fellow Paleo blogger please stop by and say hello!!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Celtic Sea Salt

Celtic Sea Salt is a fundamental element in all of my Paleo cooking. I don't really understand why it makes food taste so much better, but it probably has something to do with the fact that it still holds all 84 of its natural elements, whereas refined table salt holds only 2, sodium and chloride. Science has proven we need most of these minerals in our day to day lives, and most probably we also need the other half too. Celtic Sea Salt has many health giving properties, including helping to regulate our fluid levels. Quite the opposite of processed table salt!

It is essential that if you're cooking these recipes, you try them with Celtic sea salt, or any other naturally harvested, non refined salt. I get mine from a health food store however I do believe a lot of supermarkets also stock it. I don't find it to taste as salty as table salt however Husband of win does. He seems to use much less than me but with table salt we'd use about the same.

Here's a good read about the benefits of Celtic sea salt.

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